
A reasonable conflict: You, them, it? - Lake County Record-Bee

What comes first, the chicken, the egg, the Client or the Client’s market?

Every Interior Design Client has some very personal decisions to address at the front end of their Interior design project-planning process.

Should the Interior design reach out to and emphasize the market itself, or the personal characteristics, hobbies, interests, etc., of the Client?  Those factors reach out in very different ways!

Decisions concerning what to emphasize, how to portray it, where to frame it and how to measure its effectiveness — are worthy of serious consideration, before you begin your Interior design project.

There are several factors to consider when deciding which aspect of your commercial enterprise you want to emphasize through your promotional tools, advertising options and the Interior environment design – which welcomes and embraces your market base when they enter your facility.

Sometimes the choice of what to emphasize is driven by the service, product or amenities you offer your market.  We all can name businesses we know where the actual personality of the proprietor is a major draw.  A favorite restaurant is a good example – where the owner, manager or even the Chef is key to your repeat business!  Featuring strong personalities as part of the attraction just makes sense.

Even tastefully sharing an all consuming hobby through your Interior design motif is a friendly way to break the ice!     In a medical/dental practice – especially pediatric – the friendly, non-threatening “personality” of the professionals goes a long way in parental decisions.

The reserved and more austere environments such as government or legal facilities may want to consider the importance of projecting virtues and characteristics such as trust, integrity, confidentiality and discretion.  Such can be projected through emphasis (bios?) on the principals or emphasis on the profession itself and its essentiality.

Examples of the either/or abound.  In all cases, your preferences of focus and your personal persuasions as to the nature of your outreach message are vitally important to your Interior Designer.  Overall, your outreach must be welcoming, appropriate and clear!  That complex goal is quite achievable when communication is clear and thorough!

It is important, as well, to differentiate products and services.  The delivery of services is ordinarily quite person-to-person.   The providing of products –while certainly has personal impact – places important emphasis on delivery, function, performance, durability, etc!

When your Interior designer knows where your preferred emphasis lies, initial interpretive concepts begin to develop.  Your Interior environment and its dynamics must fulfill the promises of your exterior environment (including signage) and your market share outreach tools: — advertising and advertising specialties, promotional events and the company or practice graphics.  Coordination of those elements, each to the other, is key to any business enterprise’s image impact.

Color, lighting, textures, sound, vistas, accessibility, Interior atmospheric controls and invitational receptivity – that “Please! Come in!” factor –must all speak to your decision to promote either primarily through illumination of the product or service, or through emphasizing the personalities of the principals.

Consider the ways you most comfortably interact and communicate with your customers, clients, sales representatives, associates, and community members!  You will find clues about your most successful outreach dynamics.  That, in turn, will help you make the promotional choices and decisions that are right for your overall business image projection.

When considering your best approach, your Interior design team has considerable experience guiding Clients in successful presentation choices.  One of our advantages is our knowledge of your typical market — knowledge of what works (and what might not).  Trust the expertise you have chosen to purchase.

Robert Boccabella, B.F.A. is principal and founder of Business Design Services and a certified interior designer in private practice for over 30 years.  Boccabella provides Designing to Fit the Vision© in collaboration with  To contact him call 707-263-7073; email him at  or visit  or on Face Book at Business Design Services.

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January 23, 2021 at 09:44PM

A reasonable conflict: You, them, it? - Lake County Record-Bee
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