Nearly half of Americans have taken or plan to take a vacation during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a recent survey.

Most travelers, according to the study, which polled 2,027 Americans from July 8-10, have changed plans because of the pandemic in some form or another. Only 27% have followed through on travel plans since March thus far, but another 20% of respondents said they had reservations on the books.

A plurality of respondents — 37% — said they put plans on hold altogether, while 70% of those who did travel said they changed their destination because of the coronavirus and 62% said they regretted taking their vacation during COVID-19. Twenty-seven percent of travelers said the pandemic brought extra stress to their vacation, while one in five said they weren’t able to fully relax.

Just 7% said the pandemic had no effect on their vacation at all.

Some common strategies for those who did get out of town:

  • Avoid large cities – 81% of respondents who said they traveled did this
  • Travel by car – 72% of those who drove (50% of all respondents) said they did so with COVID-19 in mind
  • Monitor COVID cases in the area – 76% of respondents who said they traveled did this
  • Purchase backup – 58% of respondents who said they traveled purchased traveler’s insurance
  • Extend your stay – 55% of respondents who said they traveled did so for longer due to COVID-19, with an average of 4.5 days. Another 15% said they used time while furloughed from their job to take a vacation.

With Americans facing many travel restrictions, including a ban from the European Union, many would-be international travelers have had to put those plans on hold or vacation locally instead.

Another recent survey found more Americans were inclined to take daylong or overnight road trips than other forms of travel during the pandemic.

California, being the nation’s most populous state and an attractive travel destination in its own right prior to the pandemic, leads both lists in the survey of the most popular destination during the pandemic and the one most respondents are looking forward to traveling to once it is safe.

A third of respondents said they won’t feel comfortable flying until there is a vaccine, while the next-largest response group (27%) said they weren’t sure when they would be comfortable flying again. Just 13% said they would be comfortable flying by this winter.

One thing, beyond a vaccine, could convince a large share of Americans to take an additional vacation: 49% said an additional stimulus check would make them more likely to take a vacation or second vacation this year.